As the company that has been given the award-winning solution on 100 Orte Industrie 4.0 Baden Württemberg by Frau Katrin Schütz, we were truly honoured to host Frau Schütz at our company. We really appreciate the time she took to know our company better and listen to the challenges that we faced as well as our success stories.
We had a great discussion about AI made in Baden-Württemberg and how we can support Baden Württemberg to lead in this area. As Frau Schütz said: „Künstliche Intelligenz ist die Schlüsseltechnologie für die Wertschöpfung der Zukunft. Die EDI GmbH leistet mit ihrer preisgekrönten Lösung einen wichtigen Beitrag dazu, dass immer mehr innovative Produkte und Dienstleistungen mit dem Siegel ‘KI made in BW‘ erfolgreich auf den Markt kommen.“ (Artificial intelligence is the key technology for future value creation. With its award-winning solution, EDI GmbH makes an important contribution to ensure that more and more innovative products and services with the 'AI made in BW' seal are successfully launched on the market.)
We are looking forward to another visit and joint opportunities!